Useful Tree Species for Eastern Africa
a species selection tool based on the VECEA Map
Kalahari woodland (Wk)
Kalahari woodland occurs in the Kalahari Sands of the upper Zambezi basin. Zambezian dry evergreen forest (Fm) or Zambezian dry deciduous forest and scrub forest (Fn) was the original climax vegetation type in the most favourable soils (possibly only on higher landscape positions; J. Timberlake, pers. comm.). Kalahari woodland is either secondary (due to fire and cultivation) to these original dry forest types or is part of a catenary sequence from forests on ridges to seasonally waterlogged depressions. It is not easy to distinguish between these two types of Kalahari woodland (White 1983 p. 97).
Kalahari scrub woodland occurs in between Kalahari woodland and Kalahari suffrutex grassland (a vegetation type that we classified as edaphic grassland (g). It is characterized especially by Diplorhynchus condylocarpon, whereas other characteristic species include Brachystegia brachystemma, Burkea africana, Hymenocardia acida and Parinari curatellifolia (White 1983 p. 99).
Plant species
The main species recorded to occur within this vegetation type are listed below. Clicking the name of any of these species will open the page for that species on the Agroforestry Species Switchboard. Between brackets the English vernacular name of the species and the documented country distribution of the species (B=Burundi, E=Ethiopia, K=Kenya, M=Malawi, R=Rwanda, T=Tanzania, U=Uganda, Z=Zambia) is provided.
Based on information on species presence in national manifestations of vegetation types, each species was classified as a regionally dominant, characteristic, present or marginal species for a vegetation type (Read more ...)
- Dominant - if the regional documentation classified the species as dominant.
- Characteristic - if the species was documented to be characteristic for at least half of all the national manifestations of the vegetation type and if the species was characteristic in at least two national manifestations of the vegetation type. Species were always classified as characteristic if the species was a regional indicator or regional characteristic species for the vegetation type.
- Present - if the species was documented to be characteristic in at least one of the national manifestations of the vegetation type or if the species was documented to be present in a least half of all the national manifestations of the vegetation type. Species that were already listed as characteristic were excluded.
- Marginal distribution - if some of the national documentation listed the species, but where the species was not included as characteristic or present.
- Characteristic species
Acacia erioloba (Camel thorn, Z),
Albizia antunesiana (Purple-leaved false thorn, BMRTZ),
Amblygonocarpus andongensis (MTUZ),
Baikiaea plurijuga (Zambezi redwood, Z),
Bobgunnia madagascariensis (Snake bean tree, MTZ),
Brachystegia longifolia (BMTZ),
Brachystegia spiciformis (Bean-pod tree, BKMTZ),
Burkea africana (Wild syringa, KMTUZ),
Combretum psidioides (Peeling bushwillow, BKMTZ),
Combretum zeyheri (Large-fruited bushwillow, KMTZ),
Cryptosepalum exfoliatum (MTZ),
Dialium englerianum (Kalahari podberry, Z),
Diplorhynchus condylocarpon (Wild rubber, MZ),
Erythrophleum africanum (Ordeal tree, KMTUZ),
Julbernardia paniculata (MTZ),
Ochna pulchra (Peeling-bark plane, Z),
Parinari curatellifolia (Mobola plum, BKMRTUZ),
Pseudolachnostylis maprouneifolia (Duiker berry, BMTZ),
Schinziophyton rautanenii (Manketti tree, MTZ),
Strychnos pungens (Spine-leaved monkey orange, MTZ),
Terminalia sericea (Silver terminalia, MTZ)
- Species present
Allophylus africanus (BEKMRTUZ),
Baphia massaiensis (Sand camwood, TZ),
Bauhinia petersiana (White bauhinia, MTZ),
Brachystegia bakeriana (Z),
Brachystegia floribunda (MTZ),
Combretum collinum (Hairy bushwillow, BEKMRTUZ),
Dichrostachys cinerea (Sickle bush, BEKMRTUZ),
Guibourtia coleosperma (Large false mopane, Z),
Hymenocardia acida (Heart-fruit, BEKMRTUZ),
Isoberlinia angolensis (BMTZ),
Julbernardia globiflora (BMTZ),
Markhamia obtusifolia (Golden bean tree, BKMRTZ),
Myrsine africana (Cape myrtle, EKMRTUZ),
Parinari capensis (Dwarf mobola plum, MTZ),
Rhus tenuinervis (Rolled-leaf currant, EKMTZ),
Smilax anceps (Devil's yam, BEKRTUZ),
Strychnos cocculoides (Monkey orange, BKMTZ),
Syzygium guineense (Guinea waterberry, BEKMRTUZ),
Uapaca kirkiana (Wild loquat, BMTZ),
Uapaca nitida (BMTZ),
Vitex madiensis (BTUZ),
Vitex mombassae (Smelly berry vitex, BKMTZ),
Ximenia americana (False sandalwood, BEKMRTUZ)
Products and environmental services of tree species
Documented products and environmental services for the tree species occurring in this vegetation type (Wk) are listed below. Clicking the name of any of these species will open the page for that species on the Agroforestry Species Switchboard. Between brackets information is given on the status of each species ('dom' indicates dominant species, 'cha' characteristic species, 'pre' other species and 'mar' species of marginal occurrence), the English vernacular name of the species and the documented country distribution of the species (B=Burundi, E=Ethiopia, K=Kenya, M=Malawi, R=Rwanda, T=Tanzania, U=Uganda, Z=Zambia).
- Firewood
Albizia antunesiana (Cha, Purple-leaved false thorn, BMRTZ),
Bobgunnia madagascariensis (Cha, Snake bean tree, MTZ),
Brachystegia longifolia (Cha, BMTZ),
Brachystegia spiciformis (Cha, Bean-pod tree, BKMTZ),
Burkea africana (Cha, Wild syringa, KMTUZ),
Diplorhynchus condylocarpon (Cha, Wild rubber, MZ),
Erythrophleum africanum (Cha, Ordeal tree, KMTUZ),
Julbernardia paniculata (Cha, MTZ),
Parinari curatellifolia (Cha, Mobola plum, BKMRTUZ),
Pseudolachnostylis maprouneifolia (Cha, Duiker berry, BMTZ),
Terminalia sericea (Cha, Silver terminalia, MTZ),
Allophylus africanus (Pre, BEKMRTUZ),
Baphia massaiensis (Pre, Sand camwood, TZ),
Combretum collinum (Pre, Hairy bushwillow, BEKMRTUZ),
Dichrostachys cinerea (Pre, Sickle bush, BEKMRTUZ),
Isoberlinia angolensis (Pre, BMTZ),
Julbernardia globiflora (Pre, BMTZ),
Rhus tenuinervis (Pre, Rolled-leaf currant, EKMTZ),
Strychnos cocculoides (Pre, Monkey orange, BKMTZ),
Syzygium guineense (Pre, Guinea waterberry, BEKMRTUZ),
Uapaca kirkiana (Pre, Wild loquat, BMTZ),
Uapaca nitida (Pre, BMTZ),
Vitex madiensis (Pre, BTUZ),
Vitex mombassae (Pre, Smelly berry vitex, BKMTZ),
Ximenia americana (Pre, False sandalwood, BEKMRTUZ)
- Charcoal
Bobgunnia madagascariensis (Cha, Snake bean tree, MTZ),
Brachystegia longifolia (Cha, BMTZ),
Brachystegia spiciformis (Cha, Bean-pod tree, BKMTZ),
Burkea africana (Cha, Wild syringa, KMTUZ),
Diplorhynchus condylocarpon (Cha, Wild rubber, MZ),
Erythrophleum africanum (Cha, Ordeal tree, KMTUZ),
Julbernardia paniculata (Cha, MTZ),
Parinari curatellifolia (Cha, Mobola plum, BKMRTUZ),
Pseudolachnostylis maprouneifolia (Cha, Duiker berry, BMTZ),
Terminalia sericea (Cha, Silver terminalia, MTZ),
Combretum collinum (Pre, Hairy bushwillow, BEKMRTUZ),
Dichrostachys cinerea (Pre, Sickle bush, BEKMRTUZ),
Isoberlinia angolensis (Pre, BMTZ),
Julbernardia globiflora (Pre, BMTZ),
Rhus tenuinervis (Pre, Rolled-leaf currant, EKMTZ),
Syzygium guineense (Pre, Guinea waterberry, BEKMRTUZ),
Uapaca kirkiana (Pre, Wild loquat, BMTZ),
Ximenia americana (Pre, False sandalwood, BEKMRTUZ)
- Timber, Furniture, Construction
Acacia erioloba (Cha, Camel thorn, Z),
Albizia antunesiana (Cha, Purple-leaved false thorn, BMRTZ),
Amblygonocarpus andongensis (Cha, MTUZ),
Baikiaea plurijuga (Cha, Zambezi redwood, Z),
Brachystegia longifolia (Cha, BMTZ),
Brachystegia spiciformis (Cha, Bean-pod tree, BKMTZ),
Burkea africana (Cha, Wild syringa, KMTUZ),
Dialium englerianum (Cha, Kalahari podberry, Z),
Diplorhynchus condylocarpon (Cha, Wild rubber, MZ),
Erythrophleum africanum (Cha, Ordeal tree, KMTUZ),
Julbernardia paniculata (Cha, MTZ),
Parinari curatellifolia (Cha, Mobola plum, BKMRTUZ),
Pseudolachnostylis maprouneifolia (Cha, Duiker berry, BMTZ),
Terminalia sericea (Cha, Silver terminalia, MTZ),
Baphia massaiensis (Pre, Sand camwood, TZ),
Guibourtia coleosperma (Pre, Large false mopane, Z),
Isoberlinia angolensis (Pre, BMTZ),
Markhamia obtusifolia (Pre, Golden bean tree, BKMRTZ),
Syzygium guineense (Pre, Guinea waterberry, BEKMRTUZ),
Uapaca kirkiana (Pre, Wild loquat, BMTZ),
Uapaca nitida (Pre, BMTZ),
Vitex madiensis (Pre, BTUZ),
Ximenia americana (Pre, False sandalwood, BEKMRTUZ)
- Poles, Posts
Baikiaea plurijuga (Cha, Zambezi redwood, Z),
Bobgunnia madagascariensis (Cha, Snake bean tree, MTZ),
Brachystegia spiciformis (Cha, Bean-pod tree, BKMTZ),
Burkea africana (Cha, Wild syringa, KMTUZ),
Diplorhynchus condylocarpon (Cha, Wild rubber, MZ),
Erythrophleum africanum (Cha, Ordeal tree, KMTUZ),
Julbernardia paniculata (Cha, MTZ),
Parinari curatellifolia (Cha, Mobola plum, BKMRTUZ),
Terminalia sericea (Cha, Silver terminalia, MTZ),
Allophylus africanus (Pre, BEKMRTUZ),
Baphia massaiensis (Pre, Sand camwood, TZ),
Combretum collinum (Pre, Hairy bushwillow, BEKMRTUZ),
Dichrostachys cinerea (Pre, Sickle bush, BEKMRTUZ),
Isoberlinia angolensis (Pre, BMTZ),
Markhamia obtusifolia (Pre, Golden bean tree, BKMRTZ),
Strychnos cocculoides (Pre, Monkey orange, BKMTZ),
Syzygium guineense (Pre, Guinea waterberry, BEKMRTUZ),
Uapaca kirkiana (Pre, Wild loquat, BMTZ),
Uapaca nitida (Pre, BMTZ),
Vitex mombassae (Pre, Smelly berry vitex, BKMTZ),
Ximenia americana (Pre, False sandalwood, BEKMRTUZ)
- Flooring, Panelling
- Beehives
- Veneer, Plywood
- Tools, Tool handles, Shafts
- Carvings, Utensils, Walking stick, Bow, Arrow
Bobgunnia madagascariensis (Cha, Snake bean tree, MTZ),
Brachystegia spiciformis (Cha, Bean-pod tree, BKMTZ),
Burkea africana (Cha, Wild syringa, KMTUZ),
Cryptosepalum exfoliatum (Cha, MTZ),
Diplorhynchus condylocarpon (Cha, Wild rubber, MZ),
Schinziophyton rautanenii (Cha, Manketti tree, MTZ),
Baphia massaiensis (Pre, Sand camwood, TZ),
Julbernardia globiflora (Pre, BMTZ),
Syzygium guineense (Pre, Guinea waterberry, BEKMRTUZ),
Vitex mombassae (Pre, Smelly berry vitex, BKMTZ),
Ximenia americana (Pre, False sandalwood, BEKMRTUZ)
- Boat building
Human consumption
- Edible fruit, Edible nut, Edible seed
Dialium englerianum (Cha, Kalahari podberry, Z),
Parinari curatellifolia (Cha, Mobola plum, BKMRTUZ),
Schinziophyton rautanenii (Cha, Manketti tree, MTZ),
Bauhinia petersiana (Pre, White bauhinia, MTZ),
Guibourtia coleosperma (Pre, Large false mopane, Z),
Myrsine africana (Pre, Cape myrtle, EKMRTUZ),
Rhus tenuinervis (Pre, Rolled-leaf currant, EKMTZ),
Strychnos cocculoides (Pre, Monkey orange, BKMTZ),
Syzygium guineense (Pre, Guinea waterberry, BEKMRTUZ),
Uapaca kirkiana (Pre, Wild loquat, BMTZ),
Uapaca nitida (Pre, BMTZ),
Vitex madiensis (Pre, BTUZ),
Vitex mombassae (Pre, Smelly berry vitex, BKMTZ),
Ximenia americana (Pre, False sandalwood, BEKMRTUZ)
- Seasoning, Flavouring
- Edible oil, Edible gum, Edible inner bark
- Medicine
Acacia erioloba (Cha, Camel thorn, Z),
Albizia antunesiana (Cha, Purple-leaved false thorn, BMRTZ),
Bobgunnia madagascariensis (Cha, Snake bean tree, MTZ),
Brachystegia longifolia (Cha, BMTZ),
Brachystegia spiciformis (Cha, Bean-pod tree, BKMTZ),
Burkea africana (Cha, Wild syringa, KMTUZ),
Cryptosepalum exfoliatum (Cha, MTZ),
Diplorhynchus condylocarpon (Cha, Wild rubber, MZ),
Erythrophleum africanum (Cha, Ordeal tree, KMTUZ),
Julbernardia paniculata (Cha, MTZ),
Parinari curatellifolia (Cha, Mobola plum, BKMRTUZ),
Pseudolachnostylis maprouneifolia (Cha, Duiker berry, BMTZ),
Schinziophyton rautanenii (Cha, Manketti tree, MTZ),
Terminalia sericea (Cha, Silver terminalia, MTZ),
Allophylus africanus (Pre, BEKMRTUZ),
Bauhinia petersiana (Pre, White bauhinia, MTZ),
Combretum collinum (Pre, Hairy bushwillow, BEKMRTUZ),
Dichrostachys cinerea (Pre, Sickle bush, BEKMRTUZ),
Guibourtia coleosperma (Pre, Large false mopane, Z),
Julbernardia globiflora (Pre, BMTZ),
Markhamia obtusifolia (Pre, Golden bean tree, BKMRTZ),
Myrsine africana (Pre, Cape myrtle, EKMRTUZ),
Rhus tenuinervis (Pre, Rolled-leaf currant, EKMTZ),
Strychnos cocculoides (Pre, Monkey orange, BKMTZ),
Syzygium guineense (Pre, Guinea waterberry, BEKMRTUZ),
Uapaca kirkiana (Pre, Wild loquat, BMTZ),
Uapaca nitida (Pre, BMTZ),
Ximenia americana (Pre, False sandalwood, BEKMRTUZ)
Animal consumption
- Fodder
Acacia erioloba (Cha, Camel thorn, Z),
Amblygonocarpus andongensis (Cha, MTUZ),
Brachystegia spiciformis (Cha, Bean-pod tree, BKMTZ),
Burkea africana (Cha, Wild syringa, KMTUZ),
Diplorhynchus condylocarpon (Cha, Wild rubber, MZ),
Julbernardia paniculata (Cha, MTZ),
Parinari curatellifolia (Cha, Mobola plum, BKMRTUZ),
Pseudolachnostylis maprouneifolia (Cha, Duiker berry, BMTZ),
Schinziophyton rautanenii (Cha, Manketti tree, MTZ),
Allophylus africanus (Pre, BEKMRTUZ),
Baphia massaiensis (Pre, Sand camwood, TZ),
Bauhinia petersiana (Pre, White bauhinia, MTZ),
Dichrostachys cinerea (Pre, Sickle bush, BEKMRTUZ),
Guibourtia coleosperma (Pre, Large false mopane, Z),
Markhamia obtusifolia (Pre, Golden bean tree, BKMRTZ),
Rhus tenuinervis (Pre, Rolled-leaf currant, EKMTZ),
Syzygium guineense (Pre, Guinea waterberry, BEKMRTUZ),
Uapaca nitida (Pre, BMTZ),
Ximenia americana (Pre, False sandalwood, BEKMRTUZ)
- Bee forage
Albizia antunesiana (Cha, Purple-leaved false thorn, BMRTZ),
Bobgunnia madagascariensis (Cha, Snake bean tree, MTZ),
Brachystegia longifolia (Cha, BMTZ),
Brachystegia spiciformis (Cha, Bean-pod tree, BKMTZ),
Burkea africana (Cha, Wild syringa, KMTUZ),
Cryptosepalum exfoliatum (Cha, MTZ),
Julbernardia paniculata (Cha, MTZ),
Parinari curatellifolia (Cha, Mobola plum, BKMRTUZ),
Terminalia sericea (Cha, Silver terminalia, MTZ),
Allophylus africanus (Pre, BEKMRTUZ),
Combretum collinum (Pre, Hairy bushwillow, BEKMRTUZ),
Dichrostachys cinerea (Pre, Sickle bush, BEKMRTUZ),
Isoberlinia angolensis (Pre, BMTZ),
Julbernardia globiflora (Pre, BMTZ),
Syzygium guineense (Pre, Guinea waterberry, BEKMRTUZ),
Uapaca kirkiana (Pre, Wild loquat, BMTZ),
Vitex mombassae (Pre, Smelly berry vitex, BKMTZ),
Ximenia americana (Pre, False sandalwood, BEKMRTUZ)
Environmental services
- Shade
Brachystegia longifolia (Cha, BMTZ),
Brachystegia spiciformis (Cha, Bean-pod tree, BKMTZ),
Parinari curatellifolia (Cha, Mobola plum, BKMRTUZ),
Pseudolachnostylis maprouneifolia (Cha, Duiker berry, BMTZ),
Bauhinia petersiana (Pre, White bauhinia, MTZ),
Combretum collinum (Pre, Hairy bushwillow, BEKMRTUZ),
Isoberlinia angolensis (Pre, BMTZ),
Rhus tenuinervis (Pre, Rolled-leaf currant, EKMTZ),
Uapaca kirkiana (Pre, Wild loquat, BMTZ),
Uapaca nitida (Pre, BMTZ),
Vitex mombassae (Pre, Smelly berry vitex, BKMTZ),
Ximenia americana (Pre, False sandalwood, BEKMRTUZ)
- Ornamental, Avenue tree
Parinari curatellifolia (Cha, Mobola plum, BKMRTUZ),
Bauhinia petersiana (Pre, White bauhinia, MTZ),
Dichrostachys cinerea (Pre, Sickle bush, BEKMRTUZ),
Myrsine africana (Pre, Cape myrtle, EKMRTUZ),
Vitex mombassae (Pre, Smelly berry vitex, BKMTZ),
Ximenia americana (Pre, False sandalwood, BEKMRTUZ)
- Nitrogen fixation
- Soil conservation, Soil improvement
- Windbreak
Other products
- Fibre, Weaving, Rope
Brachystegia longifolia (Cha, BMTZ),
Brachystegia spiciformis (Cha, Bean-pod tree, BKMTZ),
Cryptosepalum exfoliatum (Cha, MTZ),
Julbernardia paniculata (Cha, MTZ),
Schinziophyton rautanenii (Cha, Manketti tree, MTZ),
Terminalia sericea (Cha, Silver terminalia, MTZ),
Dichrostachys cinerea (Pre, Sickle bush, BEKMRTUZ),
Julbernardia globiflora (Pre, BMTZ),
Markhamia obtusifolia (Pre, Golden bean tree, BKMRTZ),
Smilax anceps (Pre, Devil's yam, BEKRTUZ)
- Thatch, Roofing, Mats, Baskets
- Resin, Gum, Glue, Latex
- Tannin, Dye
Acacia erioloba (Cha, Camel thorn, Z),
Albizia antunesiana (Cha, Purple-leaved false thorn, BMRTZ),
Brachystegia spiciformis (Cha, Bean-pod tree, BKMTZ),
Dialium englerianum (Cha, Kalahari podberry, Z),
Julbernardia paniculata (Cha, MTZ),
Parinari curatellifolia (Cha, Mobola plum, BKMRTUZ),
Pseudolachnostylis maprouneifolia (Cha, Duiker berry, BMTZ),
Terminalia sericea (Cha, Silver terminalia, MTZ),
Bauhinia petersiana (Pre, White bauhinia, MTZ),
Guibourtia coleosperma (Pre, Large false mopane, Z),
Isoberlinia angolensis (Pre, BMTZ),
Rhus tenuinervis (Pre, Rolled-leaf currant, EKMTZ),
Syzygium guineense (Pre, Guinea waterberry, BEKMRTUZ),
Ximenia americana (Pre, False sandalwood, BEKMRTUZ)
- Live fence, Dead fence
Schinziophyton rautanenii (Cha, Manketti tree, MTZ),
Baphia massaiensis (Pre, Sand camwood, TZ),
Combretum collinum (Pre, Hairy bushwillow, BEKMRTUZ),
Dichrostachys cinerea (Pre, Sickle bush, BEKMRTUZ),
Rhus tenuinervis (Pre, Rolled-leaf currant, EKMTZ),
Ximenia americana (Pre, False sandalwood, BEKMRTUZ)
- Ceremonial
- Traditional uses
- Toothbrushes
- Veterinary medicine, Vermifuge
- Toxin, Insecticide, Repellent
Acacia erioloba (Cha, Camel thorn, Z),
Amblygonocarpus andongensis (Cha, MTUZ),
Bobgunnia madagascariensis (Cha, Snake bean tree, MTZ),
Ximenia americana (Pre, False sandalwood, BEKMRTUZ)
- Cosmetic, Soap, Perfume, Oil
For more detailed information about the species occurrences see this excel workbook. It provides country specific information on species composition for this vegetation type. It also allows you to select a subset of useful tree species to provide desired products and services. For each species links to a number of websites / databases with information about this species are provided as well.
Conservation status
The table shows the area (km2) of the vegetation type and the percentage of this area explicitly designated for biodiversity, species or landscape protection (A) and areas designated for both protection and sustainable use objectives (B). Only the nationally designated protected areas were included.
PNV | Area (km2) | A (%) | B (%) |
g/Wk | 8,862 | 4.80 | 64.60 |
Wk | 36,442 | 5.90 | 40.70 |
A) Include the IUCN categories I - IV; B) Include the IUCN categories V - VI and the protected areas without IUCN classification. Read more
There are seven different International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
management categories, based on their principle management objectives. Six of these can be found in the VECEA region. Based on
van Breugel et al. (2015), we reclassified these six categories into two groups. The first (A) is composed of the IUCN categories Ib, II, III and IV, all of which are explicitly designated for biodiversity, species or landscape protection. The second (B) is composed of IUCN category V, designated to protect a landscape created through interaction of people and nature, and VI, which is designated for both protection and sustainable use objectives. In group B we also included the protected areas not classified into one of the IUCN categories. These include different types of national or community forest reserves and areas that have a focus on wildlife or game management. It should be noted that the aggregation of the protected areas in these two groups (A and B) does not imply any assumptions from our side on the effectiveness of the management in these different categories.
Species selection tool
Other vegetation types
Citation and terms of use
Click here for the full terms of use, disclaimer and errors and omissions statement that accompanies our data. When using our data, you agree with these terms.
Kindt R, van Breugel P, Orwa C, Lillesø JPB, Jamnadass R and Graudal L (2015) Useful tree species for Eastern Africa: a species selection tool based on the VECEA map. Version 2.0. World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF) and Forest & Landscape Denmark. //vegetationmap4africa.org
van Breugel P, Kindt R, Lillesø JPB, Bingham M, Demissew S, Dudley C, Friis I, Gachathi F, Kalema J, Mbago F, Moshi HN, Mulumba, J, Namaganda M, Ndangalasi HJ, Ruffo CK, Védaste M, Jamnadass R and Graudal L (2015) Potential Natural Vegetation Map of Eastern Africa (Burundi, Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia). Version 2.0. Forest and Landscape (Denmark) and World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF). URL: //vegetationmap4africa.org
van Breugel P, Kindt R, Lillesø J-PB, van Breugel M (2015) Environmental Gap Analysis to Prioritize Conservation Efforts in Eastern Africa. PLoS ONE 10(4): e0121444. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0121444
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The VECEA team and its partners make no warranties or representations, express or implied, regarding the use of the material appearing in this dataset with regard to their correctness, reliability, accuracy, or otherwise. The material and geographic designations in this dataset do not imply the expressions of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the VECEA team, the Copenhagen University or the World Agroforestry Center concerning the legal status of any country, territory or area, nor concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. The VECEA team, the Copenhagen University nor the World Agroforestry Center shall be responsible or liable to any person, firm or corporation for any loss, damage, injury, claim or liability of any kind or character based on or resulting from any information contained in the dataset.
Errors and omissions
The VECEA team endeavour to maintain accurate and up-to-date data at all times. However, if errors or omissions are identified, the user should notify the VECEA team so that they can be corrected in future releases of the data. Users can contact the VECEA team using the contact form.