Useful Tree Species for Eastern Africa

a species selection tool based on the VECEA Map

Swamp forests (edaphic vegetation type, fs)


In analogy with riverine forests (fr), we decided not to map floristic variants of swamp forests although White (1983) treated swamp forests separately within the descriptions of regional centres of endemism. Actually, it was in most situations not practical to map swamp forests.

On alluvial deposits of the Kagera river (on the western shore of Lake Victoria), a unique swamp forest occurs that is composed almost in equal proportions of lowland (especially Guineo-Congolian) and Afromontane species and that is dominated by Baikiaea insignis (a Guineo-Congolian species) and by Podocarpus usambarensis var. dawei (an Afromontane species, synonym: Afrocarpus usambarensis) (White 1983 p. 181).

Plant species

The main species recorded to occur within this vegetation type are listed below. Clicking the name of any of these species will open the page for that species on the Agroforestry Species Switchboard. Between brackets the English vernacular name of the species and the documented country distribution of the species (B=Burundi, E=Ethiopia, K=Kenya, M=Malawi, R=Rwanda, T=Tanzania, U=Uganda, Z=Zambia) is provided.

Based on information on species presence in national manifestations of vegetation types, each species was classified as a regionally dominant, characteristic, present or marginal species for a vegetation type (Read more ...)

Products and environmental services of tree species

Documented products and environmental services for the tree species occurring in this vegetation type (fs) are listed below. Clicking the name of any of these species will open the page for that species on the Agroforestry Species Switchboard. Between brackets information is given on the status of each species ('dom' indicates dominant species, 'cha' characteristic species, 'pre' other species and 'mar' species of marginal occurrence), the English vernacular name of the species and the documented country distribution of the species (B=Burundi, E=Ethiopia, K=Kenya, M=Malawi, R=Rwanda, T=Tanzania, U=Uganda, Z=Zambia).


Human consumption

Animal consumption

Environmental services

Other products

For more detailed information about the species occurrences see this excel workbook. It provides country specific information on species composition for this vegetation type. It also allows you to select a subset of useful tree species to provide desired products and services. For each species links to a number of websites / databases with information about this species are provided as well.


Species selection tool
Other vegetation types

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